Kali Lerner Named Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s Educator of the Year
Kali Lerner Named Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s Educator of the Year
Psychology teacher and advisor, Kali Lerner, has been announced as Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School’s “Educator of the Year.” She was notified by Principal Stephen Sarles, Assistant Principal of Athletics and Activities Chris Lanzalotto, Supervisor of Social Studies and English Suzanne Crowley, and other school administrators. The “Educator of the Year” is selected annually by a small group of anonymous administrators, teachers, students, a Board of Education member, and parents who consider nominations from any members of the RFH School Community. Ms. Lerner is an invaluable member of the RFH school community and is most deserving of this honor, having distinguished herself as an exemplary educator both in and out of the classroom.
Ms. Lerner is a graduate, with degrees in both English and Psychology, from the Rutgers College Honors Program and was first in her class. Currently, she is in her 18th year of teaching at RFH. Ms. Lerner works tirelessly in constant collaboration with her colleagues and supervisor, Suzanne Crowley, to elevate the quality of Psychology instruction for all students with extremely varied abilities and interests.
Ms. Lerner currently teaches AP Psychology and an elective course entitled, Positive Psychology. A few years ago, Ms. Lerner created the Positive Psychology course, modeled after Yale University’s free online course, to specifically instruct students on cultivating their perspective, happiness, and mental health. The popularity of this course, the relationships that she cultivates with her students, and the high scores that her students earn on the AP Psychology exam, consistently above the state and national averages, are testaments to Ms. Lerner’s excellence in teaching. Year after year, Ms. Lerner’s students, a few of whom nominated her for this honor this year, stated that they had no interest in Psychology until they took her class and now intend to major in it in college. Ms. Lerner’s contagious enthusiasm within the classroom captivates both students and faculty members. She sparks curiosity and zeal, inevitably fostering active engagement, teamwork, and student growth. Her unwavering dedication to her students radiates consistently throughout the entire academic year.
Ms. Lerner’s impact on the school community surpasses her classroom walls, transcends academic years, and profoundly influences the lives of those lucky enough to have her as a teacher, colleague, and/or mentor. She is an indispensable member of our extra-curricular team as she is the advisor to the Psychology Club and the Jewish Student Alliance. Ms. Lerner is a team player who knows the value of a teacher’s reach well beyond the classroom.
Ms. Lerner creates strong connections with our students; every student needs a teacher, whom they can rely on as a supportive adult, and Ms. Lerner is that for many students. As an educator deeply versed in psychology, Ms. Lerner always supports our students' social and emotional health. Ms. Lerner approaches her relationships with students with care and compassion. She has a great, positive impact on the lives of many students.
Ms. Lerner is an example for all teachers, she is enthusiastic and passionate about her subject material and educating students, inside and outside of the classroom. Ms. Lerner is a true asset to the Rumson Fair Haven Regional High School community in so many ways and we are extremely proud to honor her hard work, contributions, and accomplishments!
Ms. Kali Lerner, RFH’s 2024 Educator of the Year, is surrounded by administrators upon learning about the honor (pictured l-r: Jon Pennetti, Supervisor of STEM, Suzanne Crowley, Supervisor of English and Social Studies, Stephen Sarles, Principal, Kali Lerner, Chris Lanzalotto, Assistant Principal, Seth Herman, Supervisor of World Languages, Physical Education/Health and Fine and Performing Arts, Robert Miller, School Counseling Coordinator, and Stephanie Pennetti, a former RFH Teacher of the Year.
Sarah Fitzgerald, RFH Press Release Writer
sfitzgerald@rumsonfairhaven.org or 732-842-1597 x. 277