Closure Update 3/20

  • Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

    Thank you for supporting your child(ren) during the first week of online instruction. The students and teachers have worked well together as we have navigated through the details in order to make this a positive learning experience for our school community.  In response to the requests of our students and teachers, you may see adjustments to your child’s Digital Day as we enter our second week. Primarily, we’ve opened up Google Hangouts, Google Meet and Screencastify, so you may hear our teachers’ voices in your homes.  If your child(ren) needs to borrow a Chromebook in order to have access to a device with a microphone and or webcam, send an email to We will have one available for you to pick up from the school between 9:00 and 12:00 on Monday, March 23 or Tuesday, March 24. 

    Our counseling staff is continuing to hold appointments throughout our school closure.  If your child receives a request for an appointment, please be sure that s/he participates. Additionally, if your child needs to speak to his or her counselor, encourage him or her to send the counselor an email requesting an appointment.  Our counseling staff and child study team are working daily during school hours. If your child is ill and unable to participate in online learning, s/he should email all of her/his teachers.

    Please encourage your child(ren) to set up a schedule for completing assignments and for taking breaks. Students are discouraged from being in large groups, but they are encouraged to use our digital platforms to communicate with each other.  This is a difficult time for everyone, but especially for young adults who thrive on peer relationships. You may also be feeling the stress of the unknown. The American Psychological Association posted these strategies which you may find helpful:  Keeping your Distance to Stay Safe.

    Visit for updates.  We are working to improve our access to the information available. Together with our state and local officials, we are monitoring the guidance shared with us and will update you next week regarding our plans to reopen. There is a link to Health Updates and to Digital Days, where you will find additional information that you need to support your children through this time.

    Debra Gulick

Health Update 3/17

  • Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

    We hope that your child(ren) had a successful first day participating with their teachers and peers in a virtual environment. We’ve added a page to our website where you can find useful information to help you support your child while we implement our Digital Days plan.  A few things you should know:

    • Attendance is required. Students must log in to every class every day by 2:40 PM;
    • Students’ assignments should be submitted according to the teachers’ directions;
    • If a student is ill and unable to participate in online learning, s/he should email all of her/his teachers
    • The RFH plan supports asynchronous learning, that is, flexibility for students to participate in class assignments on a schedule of their choosing. However, students must log in to every class by 2:40 PM;
    • Teachers may post videos or request participation through Google applications (Hangouts);
    • RFH counseling staff is available to support your child(ren).  Throughout the school closure, be aware that counselors may be reaching out to your students with individual appointments. 

    Please encourage your child(ren) to set up a schedule for participating and completing assignments. Students are discouraged from being in large groups, but they are encouraged to use our digital platforms to communicate with each other.  Also, if you believe your child(ren) may benefit from additional support during this difficult time, please contact your child(ren)’s guidance counselor.

    Visit for updates.  There is a link to Health Updates and to Digital Days, where you will find additional information that you need to support your children through this time.

    Tracy Handerhan, D. Litt.

    Debra Gulick

Health Update 3/13/20

  • Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s): 

    After consultation with the Monmouth County Department of Health, the Monmouth County Regional Health Commission, and educational leaders throughout the county as well as the Rumson-Fair Haven Regional Board of Education, the RFH Administrative Team has decided to close our high school, effective Monday, March 16,  in order to contribute to the community’s effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We intend to reopen school on Monday, March 30, 2020. During this two-week period, all activities involving students are canceled. 

    Our Digital Days plan will be in effect. Students are required to login to their Google Classroom account and participate in each of their classes daily.  Teachers will be working with students by providing resources, posing questions, and collecting assignments. Students must login each day. Students who are sick should notify their teacher that they will not be able to participate.

    Please send an email to any of our staff members. We have ensured that our staff has access to their email while we have our Digital Days plan in effect. The school will remain open for administrative tasks. You may call the school if you have a question. I will update you weekly regarding any changes.

    There is no way to replicate the excellent teaching that takes place in our building each day. Additionally, it will be difficult for our students to be away from each other for this extended amount of time.  I am hopeful that there will be no need to extend this closure. I appreciate your support through these unprecedented times.


    Debra Gulick


Health Update 3/12/20

  • RFH Students -
    Thank you for your cooperation during the past few days. The media's coverage of the spread of COVID-19 has us all very concerned.  The closing of RBR brought the news very close to home.  
    I want you to have facts:
    - Together with your teachers, counselors and RFH administrative team, we have been working for the past month on a plan to have Digital Days if needed.
    - The Monmouth County Regional Health Commission must tell me if someone in our building tested positive for COVID-19.  As of today, no one has tested positive.
    Please continue to take care of yourself by washing your hands, keeping your hands away from your face, and by not sharing drinks or food. If you do not feel well, please stay home, and see your doctor if you are concerned.  
    Finally, remember how important your role is in preveting the spread of rumors.   Please help us maintain a great learning environment while we are at school.
    Tracy Handerhan, D. Litt.
    Debra Gulick
    Rumson Fair Haven Regional High School

Health Update 3/9/20

  • Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
    Today, I met with the superintendents from our neighboring schools to discuss the impact of the first "presumed positive" cases of COVID-19 in Monmouth County.  The Monmouth County Health Commission indicated that a resident of Little Silver tested “presumed positive” for COVID-19.   At this point, the working assumption is that he contracted the virus while attending a conference out-of-state. The resident has a sibling who attends Red Bank Regional High School. RBR will be closed on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, for a deep cleaning of their school.
    Today, at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School, teachers were updated on the information provided to us by the Monmouth County Health Department, the NJDOE, and the CDC. Together, teachers, counselors, and administrators worked together to finalize the details of plans related to continuing instruction and services. We had a deep cleaning of our school on Saturday, February 29, and again on Saturday, March 7, and have arranged for weekly deep cleanings through spring break.
    As a reminder, please do not send your student to school if s/he is sick; those with fever should remain at home until they are “fever free” for a minimum of 24 hours. Students and adults who are not feeling well should not attend any of our large group events. The Department of Health is strongly recommending that symptomatic individuals contact their primary health care physician regarding testing measures.  
    The Monmouth County Department of Health is meeting with superintendents on Friday, March 13, 2020. I will update you with any new information at that time. 
    Debra Gulick
    Rumson Fair Haven Regional High School
    732-842-1597 ext. 551

Health Update 3/6/20

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Health Update 3/4/20

  • Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

    RFH will be dismissing students at 1:54 PM on Monday, March 9.  This early dismissal will enable administrators to work with faculty and staff to refine the details of our online instructional plan.  Fortunately, due to increased use of instructional technology by our teachers, we will be able to continue instruction in the unlikely event we need to close school.  If you have not already done so, please complete this brief survey to convey your child's access to the internet. 

    As more information becomes available, we will certainly update you.


    Tracy R. Handerhan, D.Litt.

Health Update 2/28/20

  • Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), 
    Recent media coverage of the spread of COVID19 (Corona Virus) has heightened the concern of many of our students, staff members, and parents. RFH staff members are in contact with state and local officials in order to stay informed about best practices and local information.
    To prevent illness, exercise personal prevention strategies:
    • Do not come to school if you have cold and flu-like symptoms. 
    • Wash hands frequently.
    • Keep hands away from mouths, eyes and nose.
    • Do not share food or drinks.
    Our custodial staff employs procedures and uses cleaning agents that are effective against the spread of viruses. All of our classroom hand sanitizers and hallway hand sanitizers have product containing the recommended 62% alcohol. We are disinfecting all major touchpoints, doorknobs, water fountains and filling stations, and desktops and chairs.
    It is very unlikely that we will need to close school due to widespread illness. However, the current widespread use of technology by our teachers will allow us to continue instruction should we find the need to close school.  In order to prepare, please complete this brief survey to tell us about your child's access to the Internet. 
    Additional Information:
    • If your child is sick, please let us know the nature of your child's illness when you call the Attendance Line.
    • Students are not permitted to return to school until they are fever-free, for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
    • Reliable information about COVID19, and other illnesses can be found at  
    • Local information about COVID19 can be found at the Monmouth County Health Department Website.
    We will update you as new information becomes available.
    Stay well, 
    Debra Gulick
    Rumson Fair Haven Regional High School
    732-842-1597 ext. 551