Welcome to Special Services
The fundamental purpose of the Special Services Department is to provide programs and services that are designed to support the intellectual, emotional, and social growth of each child so that they may become contributing members of society. The staff within the Special Services Department will ensure that a child with an educational handicap be provided with a free and appropriate public education, which may include Special Education and/or Related Services. The Special Services staff will encourage creativity and enthusiasm for learning and promote critical thinking, logical decision making, and the development of personal responsibility.
RFH Special Education and Related Services Programming
The Special Education Department offers a wide variety of programs and related services as per the NJ Administrative code Title 6A: Chapter 14 that address the needs of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. Each classified student is assigned to a member of the Child Study Team, and they work very closely with the child and the family in order to identify the individual needs and programming for each student. Each student within the department will have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) to ensure that their identified needs are addressed in programming. Programs are designed to meet those needs prescribed in the IEP, as per state code program criteria with appropriate accommodations and modifications, if necessary. The district program offers multiple services/opportunities for learning and growth listed below.
Extended School Year Program
The RFH Extended School Year Program is offered to students as per their IEP according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14-1.3. The IEP team makes the individual determination regarding the need for an extended school year program. An extended school year program provides for the extension of special education and related services beyond the regular school year. An extended school year program is provided by the student’s IEP when an interruption in educational programming causes the student’s performance to revert to a lower level of functioning and recoupment cannot be expected in a reasonable length of time. The IEP team considers all relevant factors in determining the need for an extended school year program. Students participating in the RFH extended school year program can receive instruction in all academic areas as well as pre-employment, employment, and life skills. RFH runs a 4-hour per day/4 day a week program. The program begins on or about July 1 and ends in mid-August.
In-Class Resource Program
The In-Class Resource Program is designed to provide support services to classified students in the general education setting (ICS-In-Class Support) who are preparing for college or vocational school in the content areas of English (four levels), Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Math Analysis, Algebra II w/Applications, Precalculus), Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), World Language (Spanish I and II only), and Social Studies (United States History I, II, and World History). Two teachers, a certified special education teacher and a content area general education teacher, work collaboratively to instruct on content and skills and assist students within the classroom environment. All students are expected to meet general education curricular requirements with individualized instructional strategies and modifications (as per their IEP).
Integrated Physical Education
Integrated Physical Education focuses on the physical, intellectual, and social growth of all students. Students of all ability levels come together through ongoing fitness, sports, leadership, and wellness activities. General Education Physical Education students will learn strategies to assist in teaching and leading students with disabilities. Students with disabilities will receive a variety of movement-based activities, learn how to participate in these activities, and extend social skills and connections. General Education Physical Education students will participate in Health during their assigned marking period.
Learning and Language Disabled (LLD) Courses
The Learning and Language Disabled (LLD) Math and English classes from grades 9-12 are taught by a special education teacher and offer a more individualized instructional approach where students receive intensive interventions in the areas of language and/or learning to support all content areas. Supports include the development of both expressive and receptive language skills and focus on the comprehension of written language.
Learning Skills
Our Learning Skills course, a credit-bearing (1.5) semester elective, is designed to enable students with an IEP to acquire and generalize strategies and skills across academic, community, and employment settings to achieve annual goals based on assessed needs and their Individual Educational Plan (IEP). This course provides students with instruction and supportive services to be successful in all educational settings. Students may also receive individualized support in a specific content or skill area, learn to organize and plan their time effectively and develop strategies to help them successfully complete their course requirements.
Multiply Disabled Program
The Multiply Disabled Program serves students in grades 9-12 who require the delivery of instruction in a specialized way due to the severity of their needs and focuses on functional academic skill, independent and soft skills. The RFH MD program primarily takes place in recently redesigned, designated classrooms and an “Activities of Daily Living” room.
Pull-Out Resource Program
The Pull-Out Resource Program is offered to students who experience difficulty with the rigor, pace and/or structure of mainstream academic subjects. The curriculum for each course parallels traditional classroom instruction. Class size is limited as per code to 10 students, 12 with an Instructional Aide. The following courses are offered in the pull-out program: English (4 levels), Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Math Analysis, Algebra II w/Applications), Social Studies (United States I, II, and World History), Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), and World Language (Spanish I). Small group instruction is provided by highly qualified teachers who modify the general curriculum to meet the individual needs of students (as per their IEP). Efforts are made to transition students into mainstream classes by teaching compensatory skills and strategies.
Structured Study
The purpose of a structured study hall is to enable students with disabilities a chance to manage tasks and time, complete work, and prepare for assessments in a structured educational environment with the opportunity to seek assistance and general feedback from Special Education certified staff members.
Work Based Learning
Students, 18-21 years of age, may participate in a Work-Based Learning (N.J.A.C. 6A:19-6.4 an experiential, supervised educational activity designed to provide students with exposure to the requirements and responsibilities of specific job titles or job groups and assist in making career and educational decisions). Students should follow course selection procedures outlined on the previous pages which are usually finalized at the student’s annual review meeting. Special Education students must meet all state and local high school graduation requirements in order to receive a state endorsed high school diploma unless exempted in their IEP. The special education programs for classified students are offered through the Special Education Department. Student programs are selected in collaboration with the student, parents, sending district, and the high school child study team.
Department Supervisor
Mrs. Lauren Malaney
Supervisor of Special Services
Homeless Liaison
lmalaney@rumsonfairhaven.orgMrs. Lindsey McCarthy
Special Services Secretary
Child Study Team
Dr. Amy Winters
School Psychologist
awinters@rumsonfairhaven.orgDr. Lorissa Voorhees
Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant (LDTC)x252
Mrs. Katie McLoughlin
School Social Worker
kmcloughlin@rumsonfairhaven.orgMrs. Marisa Stefani
Transition Coordinator/Social Worker
- Ms. Caitlin Altland
- Mrs. Laura Bailliard
- Mr. Jorge Carvalho
- Ms. Donna Clarke
- Ms. Anna Higgins
- Mrs. Rachel Hoff
- Mrs. Krista Honnold
- Ms. Victoria Imperato
- Mr. Kevin James
- Ms. Amanda McCaffrey
- Ms. Hannah Phillips
- Ms. Krista Portelli
- Mr. Chris Quinn
- Mr. Jeremy Schulte
- Ms. Susan Shay
- Ms. Claudia Simon
- Ms. Stephanie Washeleski
Instructional and Professional Support Staff
- Jacqueline Briody- Paraprofessional
- Ms. Leigh Clapp-Paraprofessional
- Ms. Maryanne Costa - Paraprofessional- Job Coach
- Ms. Alexis DeJianne- Occupational Therapist
- Ms. Trina Foltz- Physical Therapist
- John Goode- Paraprofessional
- Mr. Kyle Marinelli- Paraprofessional
- George Massabni- Paraprofessional
- Ms. Lindsey McPherson- Speech Therapist
- Mr. Andrew Morris - Paraprofessional
- Mr. Zane Preston
- Ms. Meagan Springsteen-Paraprofessional
- Susan Trocchia- Paraprofessional
- Mr. Brandon Wall-Paraprofessional- Job Coach