- Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School
- Residency
The Board shall admit students eligible to attend school free of charge that are domiciled within the district as defined in N.J.A.C. 6A:22-3.1 et seq. To be DOMICILED in Rumson or Fair Haven, the student must treat the residence at the address provided as the permanent home, as demonstrated by sleeping in the home prior to school in-session days. Students who are domiciled in Rumson or Fair Haven will be required to establish an electonic account and submit verifciation of residency. The new student registration page is linked here.
Former Residents:
Regularly enrolled pupils, whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) move out of Rumson or Fair Haven during a school year, shall be permitted to finish the current school year in accordance with the tuition schedule on a prorata basis.
Pupils who have completed a minimum of one year of residence and whose parent(s) or legal guardian(s) move out of Rumson or Fair Haven after February 1 of the junior year will be permitted to attend for the remainder of the junior year and the entire senior year upon payment of tuition on a prorata basis for a partial year and at the full annual rate for a full year. Tuition must be paid immediately upon the approval for continued enrollment. If a senior moves out of the school district after December 31 of the school year, there will be no tuition charged.
The Board of Education shall not be responsible for the transportation to or from school of any nonresident pupil.
Parents of students who have moved out of Rumson and Fair Haven must notify the Superintendent's Office. In the event that the Distict learns that a family is no longer domiciled, or misled the District regarding its residency within the District, the Board reserves its right not to admit a student as a nonresident student.
The Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School Board of Education may grant the request of parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to enrolll their student at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School. An application packet may be obtained from the Superintendent's Office by contacting Mrs. Mahon at amahon@rumsonfairhaven.org. Applications for the 2023-2024 school year will be available on November 1, 2022 and must be received by April 15, 2023. The Board of Education will grant requests on an individual basis if the student will beneift the quality of the Rumson- Fair Haven Regional High School educational experience. The Board's policy can be found here.