Curriculum and Instruction at RFH


    At RFH, we are continually committed to our students' success.  We encourage students to explore their academic interests and aim to provide them with opportunities and resources to achieve their goals.

    All RFH curricula are aligned to New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS). Revised every five years, the standards provide local school districts with clear and specific benchmarks for student achievement in nine content areas. Developed and reviewed by panels of teachers, administrators, parents, students, and representatives from higher education, business, and the community, the standards are influenced by national standards, research-based practice, and student needs.

    Besides aligning with the NJSLS, in planning our curricular offerings and instruction and assessment in each course, relevance and engagement are our top priorities. To achieve this, our curricula are considered living documents, subject to ongoing revision and evaluation to reflect teacher observations and identification of the needs of our students.  

    Supporting curriculum and instruction at RFH includes assessment, classroom-based technology implementation, student data analysis, state reporting, special programming, communication and professional development.  


  • Per N.J.A.C.6A:8-4.3(a): Chief School Administrators are required to report assessment results to district boards of education within 60 days of receipt of reports.  This includes the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA), the New Jersey State Learning Assessment (NJSLA), Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) and ACCESS for ELLs.

Director of Curriculum and Instruction