• Mr. Seth Herman - Affirmative Action Officer


    Contact Information

    Phone: 732-842-1597 x 275
    email: sherman@rumsonfairhaven.org




    RFH is required by code (N.J.A.C. 6A:7) to prepare a comprehensive equity plan for three years.  The plan assigns responsibility to school boards to identify and correct all discriminatory and inequitable policies, programs, practices, and conditions within or affecting the public schools.  District needs are identified through a self-assessment and the development of a Comprehensive Equity Plan.  The current comprehensive plan is on file in the following offices for review: Superintendent, Principal, Special Services Director, and Business Administrator.

    Each student, regardless of gender or race, is critical to an environment of mutual respect among all members of the school community.  No one has the right to demean, slander or insult another individual on the grounds of race, religion, gender, country of origin, disability or sexual orientation.
    The administration and faculty will provide opportunities for all students to be educated in order to protect themselves from sexually harassing behavior.  We encourage any student or staff member who encounters such an incident to report it to Mr. Herman or any responsible adult as soon as possible.  All reports will be handled discreetly.
    Harassment will not be tolerated in any case and will be met with disciplinary action.  Certain types of harassment must be reported by the school to the local police.  The types include sexual or gender-based harassment and possible bias incidents that are related to ethnic, racial or religious characteristics.