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Fall Sports Physical Information

Attention Bulldogs:

Registration will be open in rSchools for the 23-34 School year for Athletics only on June 1st, 2023.

This link will bring you to the rSchools registration page.
Please note - we will not be using rSchools for Clubs and Activities - except those clubs that require a Preparticipation Physical Form (Cheerleading, Surf Club, Rowing and Flag Football)
Clubs and Activity registration will take place in Genesis, the school's new Student DataBase.  Additional information will be provided later this summer.
(We will no longer be using JEVIN)
Please see attached letter regarding required paperwork for Athletics. A few changes are highlighted below:
  • All Preparticipation Physical Forms must be submitted as a "hard copy" and sent to the Athletic Office - attention Mrs. Wankel
  • The Health History Form, which is required for the Summer and every subsequent season your child participates in, will now be uploaded during registration in rSchools, beginning on June 1st, 2023
  • All other required forms will be signed electronically in rSchools - you NO longer have to print them and turn in a hard copy.
All fully completed physical forms are due to the Athletic Office according to the schedule below:

Season                                                             Submission Deadline/Athletic Office

Summer Voluntary Workouts                            June 12, 2023           

(Health History Update and updated physical only)

Season                                                             Submission Deadline/Athletic Office

Fall Sports                                                         July 17, 2023

Winter Sports                                                    October 16, 2023

Spring Sports                                                    February 12, 2024


Students submitting physical forms to the Nurse's Office after said deadlines WILL NOT be eligible to participate during the active season until cleared by the school s physician.  Coaches are not permitted to accept the completed physical forms.

Please contact the Athletic Office if you have any questions.
Chris M. Lanzalotto, CAA
Assistant Principal of Athletics and Student Activities
Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School
(732) 842-1597 *255
Follow RFH Athletics on Twitter @ RFH_AD