Important Dates for Sports Physicals and Registration for Sports
Registration for Sports and Activities for the 24-25 School year is open as of June 1st. Use the link below to access the registration page:
Returning families should log into their family account to register. New families will need to set up an account - you will need your child's RFH Student ID and your child's RFH email account. (this information was sent home to incoming students on 5/30/24) Returning families who need to add another child will need to login, go to the Family Member Info tab, and click on the + Add New link under Student Information.
Please note, the NJ Department of Education has changed the Physical Paperwork and which forms are required to be submitted to the High School. The only forms the High School will be collecting are the Medical Eligibility Form and the Health History Update Questionnaire, please submit to the Athletic Office or email a digital copy to
The other Physical Forms will stay with the student's primary care physician.
The required forms are attached and there is an explanation for each one on the top.
Some of our teams will be holding "optional" summer workouts. There is no registration for these voluntary workouts. In order to participate in these workouts, the student must have a valid Sports Physical on file and a Health History Update Questionnaire. If you have questions about Summer Workouts for your child's sport, please contact the Head Coach for that sport, you can use this link to find each coach's contact information - RFH Head Coaches
Reminder - Meet the Coaches for incoming students is on June 6th, 2024 - 6pm in the RFH Auditorium
Fall Sports Physicals are due JULY 19th, 2024
Revised Physical Letter for Parents
New Preparticipation Physical Examination Form
Health History Update Questionnaire
Attachments: HealthHistoryUpdatedQuestionna
Please see the following letter regarding physicals for the 2024/2025 school year.
Attachments: Physical_Letter_24-25.pdf (96.9 KB)
Link to Health History Update Form -
Go Bulldogs!
Chris Lanzalotto
Rumson Fair Haven H.S.