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RFH Student Parking Rules

Good afternoon parents of Juniors and Seniors,

We shared the following parking information with our Juniors and Seniors classes this week:

  • Carton St. - On the north side of Carton St, parking is restricted to 2hrs between the hours of 7am and 3pm on school days. There is no time restriction on the south side of the road.
  • Black Point Rd. - On the south side parking is restricted to 2hrs between the hours of 7am and 3pm on school days only. There is NO parking on the north side on school days.
  • West St. - No parking on the north side, no restrictions on the south side. 
  • Please do not double park on Bigham Ave. Parking summons may be issued for any double-parked vehicle on Bigham Ave.
  • Please do not block resident driveways on West St or park in the parking lots of local businesses. Parking summons may be issued for any vehicles illegally parked on West St. or in the parking lot of local businesses.

We recognize that more students will be driving to school midway through the year. We value our wonderful relationship with our campus neighbors, and we ask that you please help us review the information with your student drivers.  Thank you in advance for your support. Have a great weekend!