Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

MEMBERSHIP:  Open to all students, grades 9-12
MEETINGS:  Twice a month
CONTACT:  Mr. DelBuono and Mr. Januario

EMAILndelbuono@rumsonfairhaven.org or mjanuario@rumsonfairhaven.org

The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is an organization open to all students who are interested in or may be considering pursuing a career in business.  The mission is to bring business and education together through leadership and career development programs.  The club offers the opportunity to attend leadership conferences on the state and national level as well as compete in various business areas with other schools in New Jersey as well as nationally.  Through field trips and workshops, students are exposed to world of business.  This club is nationally recognized and has a membership of over 215,000 high school students.