Updates 2019-2020

  • The work scheduled for Summer 2019 has been completed and students and faculty are taking full advantage of the new learning spaces.  We are looking forward to completing the projects scheduled for Summer 2020.  

     World Language Lab World Language Lab classroom

Updates 8-14-19

  • It's August, and we are on track for a smooth opening in September. The new floor in the hallway and the new ceiling in the World Language Lab are not only pleasing to the eye but also pleasing to the ear, Both were selected for their aesthetic and acoustic characteristics.  New projectors and monitors have been installed in every classroom.

    Third floor hallway Third floor accent wall World Langauge Lab Ceiling

Updates 7-31-19

  • With only one month until the opening of school, the third floor is starting to come together. The final touches are being made on our HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems so that the remaining walls can be closed up, and ready for paint. Some walls are painted; notice the accent wall in one classroom. The hallway lights have been installed with slim, energy efficient fixtures.

     3rd floor 3rd floor wall 3rd floor classroom

Update 7-17-19

  • Things have really begun to come together during the past two weeks.  A new ceiling has been installed throughout the hallway in the main building, which was built in 1935. Under that ceiling, wires and cable have been installed to support the use of technology in all of our classrooms. A new door has been cut out of the cinder block in order to provide access to our state of the art World Language Lab. Meanwhile, new LED lighting and floors were installed in freshly painted classrooms. 

    Third floor construction Construction Third Floor Classroom

Update 7-3-19

  • The renovation of the third floor began on June 20, 2019.  Demolition is almost complete. In order to meet our timeline, we are addressing issues immediately as they arise, including ceiling replacement to meet fire code, abatement of previously unexposed asbestos in isolated areas, and removal of pipes that are no longer needed. The pictures include our third-floor corridor ready for a new ceiling and floor, our future bookroom, and the beginning of the World Language Lab.

    third floor          third floor   third floor