Welcome to English

  • Books

    There is no Frigate like a Book

    To take us Lands away

    Nor any Coursers like a Page

    Of prancing Poetry –

    This Traverse may the poorest take

    Without oppress of Toll –

    How frugal is the Chariot

    That bears the Human Soul –

    -Emily Dickinson, 1286

    Welcome to the RFH English Department! We are looking forward to helping our students examine, analyze, and discuss relevant themes and issues through classical and contemporary texts and lenses! The staff is excited to work and collaborate with colleagues, the community, parents, and students for a productive, safe, and successful school year, wherever it may take us. The RFH English Department will continue to strive to challenge the hearts and minds of all students through reading and writing, and we look forward to making this school year another wonderful experience for all. 

    Please direct any questions related to department curricula and policies to Ms. Suzanne Crowley, the Supervisor of the English and Social Studies at either scrowley@rumsonfairhaven.org or 732-842-1597, x351. Curriculum guides for the RFH English Department can be found below and on the section of the district's website devoted to department curricula

    Immediate questions related to individual student performance should be directed to the child's teacher.


    RFH English Department Master Reading List

Department Supervisor